Privacy Policy
In the limited cases specified below, our company may disclose the information of users to third parties, except for the provisions of this "Privacy Policy". These cases are limited in number;
1. Law, Decree-Law, Regulation, etc. To comply with the obligations imposed by the legal rules in force issued by the competent legal authority.
2. Requesting information about users for the purpose of conducting an investigation or investigation duly carried out by the authorized administrative and judicial authority.
3. In cases where it is necessary to provide information to protect the rights or security of users.
Our company, to keep confidential information strictly private and confidential, to consider it a confidentiality obligation, to ensure and maintain confidentiality, to take all necessary measures and take all necessary care to prevent all or any part of confidential information from entering the public domain or unauthorized use or disclosure to a third party commits to show.
Never write down your credit card number or passwords in the e-mails you send to our store's Customer Service regarding any of your orders. You can send an e-mail for any questions and suggestions about our privacy policy.
Positive SSL CertificateOur SSL Certificates comply with x509 and PKCS standards. It encrypts using asymmetric (RSA) keys with 1024 bits and symmetric (RC4, AES) keys up to 256 bits according to the strength of the client.
Tel: +90 535 210 47 62